The CARE Philosophy
The investment philosophy where good behaviour and SMART decisions make all the difference.
The “C” in CARE stands for “Core” investments. The Core of a CARE portfolio is made up of a range of Exchange Traded Funds (commonly called ETF’s) and fixed interest fund managers that are single sector, single manager securities and funds that are constructed to be invested according to your risk profile. Your Core investments, together with your risk profile are a strategic mix of Cash, Fixed Interest, Property, Australian shares and bonds, and overseas shares and bonds.
The “A” in CARE stands for “Active” investments. This is a tactical blend of ETF investments which includes Australian Shares, Global Shares, Emerging Market shares, Global Small Companies and Gold. The Active component within the portfolio is designed to take advantage of long term market themes and attempt to smooth your total portfolio return by systematically adjusting allocation to undervalued or overvalued asset classes.
Used when income is required from your portfolio
The “R” in CARE stands for “Reserves”. This is a very important part of the overall investment strategy that looks to benefit you in two ways. The first is that it provides a steady income stream with a very low risk to capital. The second benefit is that we recognise that volatility and capital loss have a probability of occurring in the short term. By allowing enough time for investment in shares and property to grow, the risk of you having to sell assets in times where markets are declining is mitigated.
Reserves are an important component of CARE where we set aside up to four years of any income requirements, especially for retirees, because in volatile markets if you don’t have enough Reserves you may have to sell assets to provide sufficient income, or worse: you may panic and sell. The Reserve is a good buffer for peace of mind and to assist you with the cash flow you need during these investment downturns.
Lastly, the ”E” in CARE stands for “Enhanced”. This portfolio is made up of Australian and overseas shares, held either directly or through managed funds or ETF’s. Listed Australian shares will predominantly be selected from the largest 100 Companies on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).
These companies generally produce good dividends for our clients. Investors also have the option of investing in a portfolio of international shares managed by a specialist manager or via an exchange traded fund (ETF). The Enhanced looks to deliver above market returns or “Alpha” as it is called in investment circles.
The CARE Investment Committee
Emmanuel Calligeris
BEc MBus (Finance)
Emmanuel is Chairman of the CARE Investment Committee. Emmanuel holds a degree in economics and previously had 20 years’ experience as Chief Investment Officer for OnePath Investments (the investment arm of ANZ Bank) and was responsible for $13 Billion of funds under management.
Rob McGregor
Rob was a founder of GPS Wealth, developed the CARE Investment Philosophy over the last 15 years and successfully managed $100m in clients’ funds during the GFC.
Grahame Evans
Grahame is the Risk and Compliance member of the CARE Investment Committee. Grahame brings over 35 years of financial service industry experience.
Dr Mark Brimble
BCom(Hons) PhD CPA FFin
Mark is an independent member of the CARE Investment Committee. Mark holds a doctorate in capital markets and is keenly interested in investor behaviour.
Thrive Plan Services
Effective financial planning and wealth management firstly requires a solid understanding of your personal finances. It then requires the ability to help you make sound investment decisions, good awareness of the opportunities and risks, and careful management of investments.
Get the guidance you need from our Thrive Plan Financial Planning team. Located in Orange, NSW we are here to help protect and grow your wealth. Let it be the key to the lifestyle that you and your family want.