
Accounting and tax tips.

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Unlocking The Psychology Of Money: Keys To Economic Well-Being

Money is central to our lives, influencing our financial security, emotional well-being, and fulfilment. Yet, our relationship with money is often complex and deeply rooted in psychological factors that shape our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours. Understanding the psychology of money is essential for making informed financial decisions, managing resources effectively, [...]

April 10, 2024|Money|

An Employer’s Introduction To FBT

Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) is a tax levied on particular benefits employers provide to their employees or their families. It is separate from income tax and is calculated based on the taxable value of the fringe benefit provided. As an employer, it is crucial to understand your FBT obligations to [...]

April 10, 2024|Tax|

Cost-Cutting Measures That Don’t Conflict With Your Business Aims & Goals

For businesses, maintaining profitability and financial stability is essential for long-term success. At times, this can lead to costs needing to be cut. However, cost-cutting initiatives often evoke concerns about compromising values, employee well-being, and corporate social responsibility. Fortunately, there are several strategies that businesses can adopt to reduce costs [...]

April 10, 2024|Business|

Practical Tips for Data Privacy in the Digital Age

In an era dominated by technology and online connectivity, safeguarding our personal information has never been more crucial. With cyber threats constantly evolving, ensuring data privacy has become a top priority for individuals worldwide. The risks of sharing sensitive information online are ever-present, from identity theft to online scams. However, [...]

April 5, 2024|Web|

Potential Tax Challenges Your Business Could Face At EOFY

As the end of the financial year approaches, businesses face a critical task: evaluating their financial standing and anticipating potential tax challenges. Neglecting this assessment could lead to financial losses and punitive measures. Let’s highlight some common tax errors businesses make and offer effective strategies to avoid them. Mismanagement of [...]

April 4, 2024|Tax|

Defining Your Company’s Culture

In today’s competitive business landscape, building a strong company culture has become essential for attracting and retaining top talent, fostering employee engagement, and driving organisational success. A company’s culture goes beyond its products or services; it reflects its values, beliefs, and purpose. Let’s explore the importance of building a solid [...]

April 2, 2024|Business|

Effective Delegation Strategies For Teams

Effective delegation is a crucial skill for leaders and team members alike.  Delegating tasks lightens the workload, fosters collaboration, empowers team members and increases overall productivity. However, mastering the art of delegation requires finesse and a strategic approach.  Here are some best practices to enhance your delegation skills and optimise [...]

March 29, 2024|People|

Understanding Different Expenses To Help With Your Budget Planning

Expenses come in various shapes and sizes, each with financial health and stability implications. Understanding different expenses is crucial for effective budget management, savings planning, and overall economic well-being.  From necessities to discretionary luxuries, here's a breakdown of the various types of expenses individuals encounter: Fixed Expenses: Fixed expenses are [...]

March 28, 2024|Money|

How To Give Your Customer The Best Experience With Great Service

In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, where products and services can be easily replicated, customer experience has emerged as a critical differentiator for businesses seeking to stand out.  Prioritising customer experience isn't just about providing satisfactory service; it's about creating memorable interactions that foster loyalty, advocacy, and long-term success. Importance [...]

March 27, 2024|Business|

Understanding Ethical Investing

Ethical investing has gained significant traction recently as investors increasingly seek to align their financial goals with their values. Ethical investing allows individuals to positively impact society and the environment while securing their financial future. This can be achieved through superannuation or your investment outside of super. Let’s examine the [...]

March 26, 2024|Superannuation|

How Blogging Can Elevate Your Online Presence

Blogging has become a cornerstone of online communication, allowing individuals and businesses to share valuable insights, stories, and expertise with a global audience. However, standing out in a sea of content requires more than just hitting the publish button. Crafting a compelling blog post that engages readers and drives traffic [...]

March 22, 2024|Web|

Retirement Fraud Alert: How to Spot and Avoid Common Scams

As retirement approaches, ensuring financial security becomes a top priority for many individuals. Unfortunately, scammers often target retirees with deceptive schemes to exploit their savings and retirement funds. Recognising the warning signs of a retirement scam is crucial for safeguarding your hard-earned money and financial well-being. Let’s explore common red [...]

March 22, 2024|Superannuation|

What Counts As A Valid Self-Education Claim?

As the tax season draws near, individuals seeking to claim self-education expenses must navigate the pitfalls highlighted by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). While pursuing knowledge and skill enhancement is commendable, it’s crucial to ensure compliance with tax regulations to avoid audits and penalties. Recent ATO rulings underscore the importance [...]

March 22, 2024|Tax|

Seasonal Success: How Businesses Can Drive Engagement Through April’s Holidays

As April rolls around, businesses have a perfect opportunity to refresh their content marketing strategies and engage with their audience in new and exciting ways.  With the changing season and various events occurring throughout the upcoming month, there are plenty of opportunities to connect with customers and drive brand awareness. [...]

March 22, 2024|Business|
  • Wealth & Super Matters

Wealth & Super Matters – March 2024

In this issue, the topics include: Why Is Good Record-Keeping Important For Your SMSF? What Is Compassionate Release of Super? Protecting Yourself  During Life Transitions: Divorce, Retirement, and Inheritance Tips for Ensuring Your Business’s Regulatory Adherence With Super Safeguarding Your Digital Assets In The Digital Age The Role of [...]

March 20, 2024|Financial Planning|

Tips & Strategies For Budgeting As A Family

Managing finances as a family can be challenging, especially when children are in school. The costs can quickly increase from tuition fees and extracurricular activities to school supplies and educational expenses. However, with careful planning and budgeting, parents can ensure financial stability while providing their children the support they need [...]

March 14, 2024|Money|

6 Signs Of Potential Business Collapse

Running a business comes with its share of challenges and uncertainties. While entrepreneurs strive for success and growth, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and recognise the warning signs of potential collapse. Ignoring these signs can lead to financial ruin and the eventual demise of the business. Here are some key [...]

March 14, 2024|Business|

5 Factors To Guide Your Superannuation Fund Choice

Selecting the right superannuation fund is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your financial future in retirement. With numerous options available, it’s essential to understand the key factors to consider when making this important choice. Let’s examine the factors that should guide your decision-making process to ensure you choose [...]

March 14, 2024|Superannuation|

Autumn 2024 Update

As autumn falls on the Central West, we delve into the Latest on FBT, NSW Drought-Ready Grants, and Super Contributions caps— this update includes: The Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) traps The ATO Debt Dilemma Maximising Super Contributions Safeguarding Business Investments: Lessons from the AAT Thrive's guide to NSW Government [...]

March 11, 2024|Newsletter|

The Right To Disconnect

In today’s hyper-connected world, the boundaries between work and personal life have become increasingly blurred. With the proliferation of technology, employees are often expected to be available around the clock, leading to heightened stress, burnout, and a deterioration in work-life balance. Recognising the importance of preserving employee well-being, many countries [...]

March 8, 2024|Legal|

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