Do you understand how to finalise your payroll for the end of the financial year (EOFY)?

Whether you need to finalise Single Touch Payroll (STP) data or produce payment summaries, this Xero checklist will help you navigate the end of year payroll process from start to finish.

The Xero checklist will assist you in reviewing your key information in Xero Payroll to reduce filing errors, reconciliation of your previous pay runs, finalising the STP data (Single Touch Payroll), filing the the STP data to the ATO via Xero, preparation of payment summaries (previously named Group Certificates), assist in troubleshooting adjustments and completing your superannuation obligations.

If you require further assistance with your payroll we are more than happy to work with you. Drop us an email at or call us on (02) 6362 8255.

Source: Xero

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